Frosts offer unique diffusing qualities and levels of opaqueness that allow highlights to shine through while softening the edges and extending the wrap of harsher sources.
Frost Type | Description | Stops | Overhead Sizes Available |
Hi Lite | Clear frost made from a soft, vinyl material. | 2/3 stop | 6×6, 8×8, 12×12, 12×20, 20×20 |
Half Soft Frost ("Shower Curtain") | Clear, vinyl material that offers a unique scattering of light and allows more light to transmit, minimizing light loss. Diffusion characteristics fall between 251 and 252. | 2 stops | 6×6, 8×8, 12×12, 20×20 |
Soft Frost | White frost, made from a vinyl material, that offers a light soft glow and holds its diffusion properties even when wet, making it perfect for wet weather applications. Diffusion characteristics are similar to 216. | 3 stops | 6×6, 8×8, 12×12 |