The Light Ranger 2 incorporates an infrared LED/sensor system with 16 distinct measurement zones, allowing the focus puller to visualize the depth of an entire scene without looking away from the monitor. The LR2 provides focus pullers with innovative tools to accurately judge focus distance in even the toughest shooting scenarios.
Each of the 16 simultaneous distance measurements corresponds to a specific section of the image, and is represented with a green/white rectangle overlayed directly on top of the image at that location. The height of each bar corresponds to its distance in relation to the current knob setting of the hand unit, giving immediate feedback to the focus puller for how to rotate the knob to bring any object into focus. White rectangles above the horizontal line on the monitor indicate the subject is further away than the current knob setting of the hand unit, while rectangles below that line indicate a subject that is closer than the knob setting. Once the subject is within the depth of field, the rectangle(s) over that subject turns green.